Tuesday, December 28, 2010

With my semester at school ended quite a bit back
so ends my journal.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In the hood, yo.

Saint's Row 2
The cover makes it look like a crappy half-assed GTA game.

It's actually a really fun screwed up GTA-Game.
That being said; Take GTA 4, add multi-player functions, and throw it in the middle of a big town overrun by gangs. It's actually pretty good; plus full character customization.

You truly can't go wrong with that at all.
The game picks up directly after the first one (which I never played) and you're some major gang lord who's game is now broken up because they thought you were dead.
I haven't played into the storyline, I was spending too much time spraying buildings with crap from a sewer truck (not kidding) and picking up hos to work at a massage place.

either way, good game. 8/10
Can't wait for the third one where it looks 10x better with HDMI.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Been busy with new job at my school; not much time to play video games (sadly).

I do have Splatterhouse at gamestop ready to be picked up
along with Sonic Colours and a lot more games I preordered.

As soon as I get paid; I should pick up one.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Wanna get Kinected?

Kinect and Halo Reach.

Kinect as I've played is fun to play, even better to watch.
People clearly making fools of themselves trying to run (I personally can't even fake run with a bad knee, so it's fun to watch)
The mini games and skate-boarding-esque games are good and the tracking is phenomenal.
One small problem I faced was that it doesn't track finger movements, just full hand movements. I can see why they did that but I was surprised I could give the finger to my virtual opponent when I lost at volleyball. So far; 8/10 until they have a game I must-have.

Halo Reach
Been to lazy to play.

Welcome, Hero.

New Post time.

Fable III
Sims III (PC)

Was playing:
Dead Rising 2.

Also I just bought Black Ops.

So here we go;

Fable III is a great game so far in the first 6 hours of gameplay. That being said I've spent a lot of time customizing and taking my sweet ass time exploring every little area of towns getting the secrets (because it's a bad habit that I don't like going back through places) and it's interesting. Working at a game store I've already been told the ending and told the secrets I really didn't want to hear so the game right now is on hold until I get the desire to play it again.

Sims III Late night. or w/e the newest expansion is called has been sitting in my harddrive for over 3 weeks now waiting to be played but I don't want to rebuild my whole town after my last town mysteriously vanished with the Sims 3 failure of an update erasing it. Fuckers.

Dead Rising 2 sucked ass.

And Black ops seems good, been told it's amazing and I shall play soon. also NIXON vs Zombies fuck yeah.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

"It's Raining Sperm!!"

(Read the post below this one for my 'review' on Halo Reach.)

I'm going to start out with one big comment on this game;
This has to be the funniest game I've played ever.

You are a set of soldiers sent down to parts of the body to destroy viruses.
The first mission of course you're sent into a Vagina to kill the chlamydia and herpes.

The storyline, and their lines are priceless.

Funny enough the game was set to release on xbox arcade but was cancelled because well.. obvious reasons.

It's a must download. (It's also free)

Needs multiplayer!

Welcome Noble Six

Halo Reach;

I was never into the Halo franchise.
When Halo; Combat Evolved came out it was a huge deal, biggest thing xbox was known for.
I played it a few times, it was fun but I never really got into it.

I purchased a limited edition red xbox from ebay and with it recieved Resident Evil 5 and Halo 3.
I popped it in, maybe once. Played a few hours and felt it was the same thing as Halo 1, and put it down.

Halo Reach came out, and the customization, the huge multiplayer and the fact my co-workers pressured me into buying it, made me get into the game.

The main storyline, like usual was unappealing. I know what happens at the end, and I know the storyline pretty well from people not shutting the fuck up at GameStop.

Either way, I'm used to playing co-op online, not versus, because versus; I plain out suck ass.
The first few rounds (like first 50) I was getting maybe 2-5 kills a game.
While others were getting 12+.
I've gotten a bit better but it still doesn't stop me from bitching when I spawn and immediately die. "I JUST FUCKING SPAWNED!" (teammates laugh)

Either way,
Halo Reach 9/10